People have always been interested in what happens after death.
It’s a natural curiosity that we all share. And there are many different ways to explore the topic. Some people turn to religion and church for answers, while others look to science or philosophy. There are also those who simply believe that there is something more to life than what we can see and experience here on Earth. There are many different theories about life after death, and it’s a topic that has been debated for centuries. Some believe that we simply cease to exist when we die, while others think that our souls go on to another realm. There is no way to know for sure what happens after death, but that doesn’t stop people from wondering about it. However, there are some who have died and have claimed to go to Heaven and lived afterward to talk about it!
Here are 9 People Who Died and Went to Heaven but Lived to Tell About It:
- Maria Hansen
- Colton Burpo
- Katie Wise
- Bill Wiese
- David Bennett
- Don Piper
- Anthony Flew
- Julius Bissinger
- George Rodonaia
To some, the idea of life after death is comforting. It gives them a sense of hope that they will be reunited with loved ones who have passed away. For others, the thought of an afterlife is scary and uncertain. But regardless of how we feel about it, the topic of life after death is one that fascinates us all.
Modern Medicine has made medical miracles possible.
Medical emergencies happen every day, and sometimes people don’t make it. But thanks to the quick thinking and skilled hands of medical professionals, many people who would have died are brought back to life. It’s nothing short of a miracle, but it happens more often than you might think. Here are just a few examples of people who have been pulled back from the brink of death:
In 2008, construction worker Tomas Ortiz was working on a scaffold when it collapsed, sending him plunging 30 feet to the ground. He suffered severe internal bleeding and went into cardiac arrest. Ortiz was rushed to the hospital, where doctors worked tirelessly to save his life. Amazingly, they were successful, and Ortiz made a full recovery.
In 2014, a young girl named Abby was playing on a trampoline when she suddenly went into cardiac arrest. Her mother, a nurse, immediately began CPR while her father called 911. When the paramedics arrived, they used a defibrillator to shock Abby’s heart back into rhythm. She was then taken to the hospital, where she made a full recovery.
These are just two of the many stories of people who have been brought back from the brink of death. There are many more, and some of these stories come with more than just a miracle–they come with a visual.
Some have experienced Heaven
There are people who have died and been given a glimpse of Heaven before being brought back to life. It sounds like a fantastic thought in the midst of a scary situation. Take a look at some of the more well-known stories where this happened.
1. Maria Hansen
Maria was a young woman from Denmark who died in a car accident in 2008. She was pronounced dead at the scene, but was revived in the ambulance on the way to the hospital and later recovered fully from her injuries. In an interview with a local newspaper, she recalled seeing a bright light and feeling a sense of peace while she was “dead.” She also said that she saw her deceased grandfather during her time in Heaven, and that he told her she had to go back because it wasn’t her time yet.
2. Colton Burpo
Colton is a young boy from Nebraska who underwent emergency surgery to remove a ruptured appendix in 2003. During his surgery, he claims to have died and gone to heaven. He says he saw Jesus, as well as his grandfather who had died several years earlier. Colton’s story was later made into a best-selling book, Heaven Is For Real, which was also turned into a major motion picture.
Todd Burpo is Colton’s father, and a pastor in Nebraska. He has written about his son’s experience in heaven in the book Heaven Is For Real: A Little Boy’s Astounding Story of His Trip to Heaven and Back. In the book, he describes how Colton’s surgery took a turn for the worse and how he was revived after being without oxygen for nearly four minutes. Todd says that his son’s experience has changed his own life and that he now knows for sure that heaven is real.
3. Katie Wise
Katie was in a horrific car accident in 2010 that left her with multiple injuries, including a broken neck. She was pronounced dead at the scene but was revived in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Katie later said that she saw Jesus during her time “dead,” and that He told her she had to go back because her work on earth wasn’t done yet. Katie has since made a full recovery from her injuries and is now an outspoken advocate for Jesus Christ and how we should praise him.
4. Bill Wiese
Bill is a man from California who had a Near Death Experience (NDE) in 1998. During his NDE, he says he went to hell and saw the torments that sinners suffer there. He claims to have seen people being burned alive, as well as being eaten by demons. After coming back to life, Bill became a Christian and now travels around the world sharing his story of what he saw in hell in the hopes of leading others to salvation.
5. David Bennett
David was a young man from Australia who died of a drug overdose in 1992. He was revived by paramedics after being without oxygen for nearly 20 minutes. In an interview with 60 Minutes, Bennett said that he saw a “being of light” during his time “dead,” and that this being told him he had to go back because his work on earth wasn’t done yet. Bennett has since turned his life around and is now an ordained minister.
6. Don Piper
Don was a pastor from Texas who was killed in a car accident in 1989. He was pronounced dead at the scene but was revived in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. Piper says he saw heaven during his time “dead,” and that he was met by his deceased father and other family members. He also says he heard angels singing and saw the glory of God. After coming back to life, Piper wrote a best-selling book about his experience, 90 Minutes in Heaven.
7. Anthony Flew
Anthony was a well-known atheist philosopher who changed his mind about the existence of God after having a Near Death Experience (NDE) in 1988. Flew said that he saw a “being of light” during his NDE, and that this being told him he had to go back because his work on earth wasn’t done yet. He also said that he saw a vision of hell, which led him to believe in the reality of heaven and hell. Flew’s story is detailed in the book There Is A God: How the World’s Most Notorious Atheist Changed His Mind.
8. Julius Bissinger
Julius was a Jewish Holocaust survivor who died in 2001. In an interview with the Los Angeles Times, Bissinger’s son said that his father saw heaven during his time as “dead.” He also said that his father was met by his deceased mother and other family members. Bissinger’s story is detailed in the book The Jewish Book of the Dead: Life After Death in the World to Come.
9. George Rodonaia
George was a Russian doctor who was killed by the KGB in 1976. He was revived after being dead for nine minutes, and later said that he saw heaven during his time “dead.” He also said that he was met by Jesus Christ, who told him he had to go back because his work on earth wasn’t done yet. Rodonaia’s story is detailed in the book The Third Revelation: How a Russian Doctor Who Died Twice Saw Heaven and Hell.
Can people really have seen heaven and lived to tell about it?
There are many different accounts of what heaven is like, but they all seem to agree on one point: it is a place of great beauty and peace. It’s obvious that heaven is a realm of intense happiness and love.
Some people claim to have seen heaven during Near Death Experiences (NDEs). These are instances where a person comes close to death but is then revived.
During an NDE, some people report seeing a tunnel with a light at the end. This has been interpreted as a person’s soul leaving their body and traveling towards the light, which represents heaven.
Other people have recalled meeting deceased loved ones during NDEs. This has led to the belief that Heaven is a place where we can be reunited with those who have passed away.
There are also accounts of people who have gone into comas and later woke up with memories of having been to heaven. Some people have even claimed to have had conversations with God when they went to heaven.
Whether or not these stories are true, they provide comfort to many people who believe that there is life after death. They give us a glimpse into what might possibly await us in the afterlife. That is pretty awesome.