Most churches have a guest speaker at some point during the year. For many churches, having guest speakers is a popular way to bring in new perspectives and ideas. This can be especially beneficial for smaller churches that may not have the resources to bring in big-name speakers on their own. By partnering with other churches or organizations, they can pool their resources and make it happen.
Having guest speakers at your church is essential these days.
It’s also nice for there to be variety when it comes to presenting messages to your congregation or audience. Years ago, a church had a pastor, and that pastor preached every Sunday, and sometimes more than once a week. This caused a lot of burnout for a lot of pastors.
Here are some specific things to remember when you are working to bring in your guest speaker.
1. Have a designated contact person for the guest speaker.
This person should be responsible for getting in touch with the speaker before the event and making sure they have all the information they need (travel arrangements, accommodations, etc.). Make sure you have someone who not only has a free schedule during the times surrounding the event but someone who also knows a little about the speaker and can be a good resource for the speaker to know about the church.
2. Make sure someone is available to pick up the guest speaker from the airport or train station.
This can be the designated contact person or someone else from the church. This is key because this is going to be your speaker’s first true impression of the church. Most of the time, you will have dealt with whoever handles the speaker’s scheduling before the event, but now, the speaker will be communicating. Don’t be late and have reliable transportation.
3. Have a place for the guest speaker to stay that is comfortable and convenient.
If possible, arrange for someone from the church to stay with them so they have someone to talk to and show them around. Having a home away from home with homecooked meals is a very nice gesture. There may be some speakers that prefer to stay in hotels. If that is the case, then make sure to vet out the hotel beforehand. Something as simple as the hotel accommodations can help make the event as a whole successful.
4. Make sure the guest speaker has a copy of the order of service or program so they know when they are supposed to speak.
Having a speaker who is in tune with all aspects of the event will make sure that everything runs smoothly. This makes the event a partnership. Your speaker has experience with different events and may be able to offer insight as to what will help things go off without a hitch.
5. Introduce the guest speaker to the congregation before they speak.
This will help everyone feel more comfortable with them. Of course, if you have been marketing your event, then your congregation should have been given a good idea of who they will come to see. This means sharing any material or links to the guest speaker’s website or social media.
6. Find out the speaking preference of your guest speaker.
Make sure the guest speaker has a microphone and that it is working properly. If you can provide a wireless microphone or a headset, that would be best. Does the speaker need a podium or someone to run a PowerPoint or slide show? Does the guest speaker like to use audience participation? These are all great questions to ask.
7. Provide water for the guest speaker during their talk, if possible.
It doesn’t matter how experienced you are at speaking, everyone gets a dry mouth. Have a couple of water bottles on stage for easy access.
8. Thank the guest speaker afterward and let them know how much you appreciate them coming.
Do this in front of your congregation and allow for the ability of the guest speaker to meet and greet people. Remember that this is a partnership. Allow them to promote themselves and their work.
9. Follow up with the guest speaker after they leave to see how their experience was and if there is anything you can do to improve it for next time.
Make sure to let them know that you want to have them come back. Also, their feedback can help you with other guest speakers that you may have come to your church.
It is Biblical to have more than just one pastor for a church.
The role of the pastor is a vital one in the church. Pastors are shepherds who lead and guide the flock, providing direction and counsel.
- They are also teachers, preaching and teaching the Word of God.
- While it is certainly possible for a single pastor to fulfill all these roles, there is nothing in Scripture that says a church must have only one pastor. There are several examples in the Bible of churches with multiple pastors.
- The first example comes from the early church in Jerusalem.
- The book of Acts tells us that there were “many” pastors leading the church (Acts 11:30).
We also see multiple pastors mentioned in other New Testament churches, such as Ephesus (1 Timothy 5:17) and Philippi (Philippians 1:1). It is clear from these passages that having multiple pastors is not only permissible, but it was also the norm in the early church.
So, what are some advantages to having multiple pastors and speakers at your church?
There are several advantages to having multiple speakers address your congregation from time to time.
First, it allows for a greater diversity of gifts and talents to be used in ministry.
We can look at this like we would look at any setting where there is an audience that is listening to a message. The best way to help an audience learn or even be engaged in that message is by providing different styles and ways to present that message.
- The same is with the church.
- While the message and beliefs should be the same, gifts are different.
- As the Bible says in Ephesians 4, “And he gave some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some, evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ.”
Second, it helps to spread the workload and prevents anyone pastor from becoming burned out.
When it comes to clergy, the term “burnout” is often used to describe a general sense of exhaustion or disillusionment. However, true burnout is much more than just a passing feeling of being overwhelmed.
- It is a serious condition that can have lasting negative consequences on both the individual and the community they serve.
- Burnout is caused by prolonged exposure to high levels of stress.
- This can come from a variety of sources, including but not limited to difficult church members, financial struggles, unrealistic expectations, pressure to perform, and constant demands on time and energy.
Over time, this stress takes a toll on the body and mind, leading to physical and emotional exhaustion. The effects of burnout go beyond just the individual. When a pastor is struggling with burnout, it can have a ripple effect on their congregation. If the pastor is unable to effectively lead and care for their flock, the whole community suffers.
Third, it provides additional leadership and oversight, which can help keep a church on track.
There is a need for accountability in the leadership of a church and in what is being taught to the church. When there are multiple speakers and leaders present, the congregation is taught to make sure that what they are hearing is true and fact, and not just based on one man’s teaching.
How does this translate to any guest speakers that you bring in?
It’s important to find someone who aligns with the values of your church. You don’t want to accidentally bring in someone who will preach messages that go against everything you stand for.
If the speaker is tied to an event outside of normal services that your church has, you’ll need to promote the event well in advance so that people have time to clear their schedules and make arrangements to attend. Overall, guest speakers can be a great way to bring fresh perspectives to your church. Just be sure to do your research and plan so that everything goes smoothly.
Having a guest speaker come to your church is an amazing opportunity for the growth of your church.
It can provide a fresh perspective and new ideas, as well as bring in people from outside your congregation who may be interested in what your church has to offer. Go ahead. Look at your church calendar. Talk with the members of your leadership. Bring in some new life by having your church be a catalyst for a guest speaker.