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What is the Use of ProPresenter in Church?

ProPresenter Use In Church

As technology evolves more and more, we find ways to utilize it in our daily lives. ProPresenter is a tool that can greatly improve the technical side of your church experience. ProPresenter is changing the way we project information and share the word of God with the congregation. This software can create a positive impact on the church and allow for new opportunities in the way a sermon is presented.

What is ProPresenter in churchProPresenter is a prop and projection presentation software that has been created for use in churches. Produced by John Burgstaller, ProPresenter is a software application used to control live production. Its user interface has been created with customization in mind allowing many different styles of ministry to be enhanced using ProPresenter. It allows the user to show PowerPoint presentations from their computer onto a large screen using prop equipment such as a data projector or LED screen.

The presenter can also indicate the next slide with laser pointers. This saves them from having to walk up to the prop equipment every time they wish to change slides. They can save themselves some work by controlling all of these actions with one computer instead of several different pieces of prop equipment.

This means that there will only need to be one person on stage controlling the presentation. This software can help make your worship services more engaging and dynamic.

How Can ProPresenter Be Used In Church?

ProPresenter can be used in a wide range of ways in churches. Here are a few examples:

Welcoming The Congregation

Use ProPresenter to create a slide show that welcomes your congregation as they walk in and be seated. Members can see updates or topics that will be discussed during that service.

Soft and welcoming music can also be played at this time. Also, a timer can be kept up on the screen to signify when the sermon will begin so everyone knows when to be seated.


Instead of using traditional prop equipment such as a Bible, the pastor can use a laptop with ProPresenter. They can read from the Bible verses that they have projected onto the screen.

This will help the audience to follow along and read the verses themselves. It also allows those who may be further in the back of the church to see and follow along with easier. Also, it is great if you happen to leave your bible at home or have trouble reading smaller print.


ProPresenter can be used to project lyrics or chords for songs during worship services. This will help those who are leading worship or singing to stay on track. Also, it will help people who are new to church learn the songs more quickly.


ProPresenter can be used to project announcements, such as upcoming events or changes to the schedule, onto a large screen. This will help everyone in attendance to stay up-to-date with what is happening in the church.

It can also be used to share congratulations on big events in church members’ lives. Photos, videos, and more can be projected to the larger screen so that everyone may view the exciting news or updates.


This is a specific event where ProPresenter can be quite helpful. A slideshow can be made before the baptism and displayed during the event.

Whether the baptism is for multiple people or just one person, information about the person can be projected. A beautiful slideshow explaining the person and their journey to being baptized will show the congregation their dedication to God. It is also a time where the families can show their love and support with photos and bible verses.

Mission Trips

When members return from a mission trip, ProPresenter is just the software to use! This is the perfect tool to use to highlight the trip and the spread of God’s love across the world.

Pictures and information can be projected to show the members how the trip went and what activities they participated in. The whole church will be able to the great impact the missionaries made during their travels!

ProPresenter is a tool that can provide numerous benefits for the entire church. Everyone from the pastor to the children will benefit from using such an impressive tool.

What Are The Benefits Of Using ProPresenter?

There are several benefits to using ProPresenter in churches. This software allows for churches to reach their entire congregations and make sure everyone can participate in the sermon. It is simple and helpful in improving how a sermon is delivered and received.

  • One person can control the presentation. As mentioned earlier, with ProPresenter only one person is needed on stage to control the presentation. This eliminates the need for multiple people to be up on stage controlling different pieces of prop equipment.
  • Easier transitions between slides. With ProPresenter laser pointers can be used to indicate which slide is coming up next. This makes transitions between slides much easier than if the prop technician has to walk up and press a button every time they want to change slides.
  • It is affordable. ProPresenter was created with churches in mind, so the cost of it is affordable for most churches.
  • There are no special technical requirements. ProPresenter can be run using any computer with PowerPoint installed, this allows even small churches without very many prop resources to use prop equipment effectively.
  • It does not require training before use. Since there are no special technical requirements it is easy for most church staff members to use prop equipment effectively right away. This means that large events can go on without any prop technicians being hired or trained beforehand.

How Do You Use ProPresenter?

ProPresenter is easy to use. After opening the software and connecting the prop equipment, it is simply a matter of loading in the desired PowerPoint presentation. The presenter can then use laser pointers to control the presentation.

The pastor has the option to control the slideshow themselves or have a designated person. There are also tutorials available online that can help with more specific uses of ProPresenter.

Does ProPresenter Require Training Before Use?

No, ProPresenter does not require training before use. However, it is recommended that everyone who plans on using ProPresenter watch one of the many tutorials that are available online.

This will help them to understand how to use ProPresenter effectively for their needs. Since the software is pretty simple to understand, it allows for flexibility for the users and the opportunity for members to volunteer to help.

This could also be a great learning tool for any youth members who may want to be more involved in their church. They can learn to use the software and assist the pastor with presenting the sermon.

Is ProPresenter Cost-Effective?

Yes, ProPresenter is cost-effective. This software is available for a nominal fee, and no additional hardware is required. This tool was designed to fit the budget of most churches.

Additionally, there are no special technical requirements, so even those without a lot of prop experience can use it effectively. The simplicity of the software ensures that everyone can use it if they desire to take time to become familiar with it.

Using ProPresenter With Children

One great way to use ProPresenter is with children. Many churches have Sunday School classes, and using ProPresenter can help to make the lessons more interesting for the children.

With ProPresenter teachers can display images, videos, and text on a large screen for the class to see. This will help the children learn and retain the material better.

To learn more about how ProPresenter can be used in a church setting with kids, or to see some examples of how it has been used in the past, visit the ProPresenter blog. There you will find helpful tips and ideas for incorporating ProPresenter into your ministry.

Church Retreats

Whether you are attending a ladies group retreat or sending your kid off to church camp, ProPresenter can be utilized there too! Many retreats have time where a sermon is given or the group comes together to watch a presentation. ProPresenter is the perfect tool to optimize group activities while on retreat.

The agenda for each day can be displayed as well as the food options available throughout the trip. It can also be used to project important information about the trip and make sure everyone is aware of what is going on!

Another simple but effective use of ProPresenter is displaying daily encouraging bible verses. Members of the retreat will have the opportunity to read a new message every day! If part of the retreat includes daily sermons or lessons, then this tool will be great to allow everyone the chance to follow along with the preacher.

In Conclusion

ProPresenter is a powerful prop software that can be used in a variety of ways in churches. It is affordable, easy to use, and does not require special training before use. There are many benefits to using ProPresenter in churches, such as easier transitions between slides and one person being able to control the presentation.

Thank you for reading our article about ProPresenter. We hope that this information will be helpful for your church ministries.

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Matt McWilliams

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